Make Someone Happy
Do, do do
do do, do do!
Do, do do do do, do do!
Make, someone happy,
Make just
one, someone happy,
Make just one heart the heart you sing to!
smile that cheers you,
One face that lights when it nears you,
girl you're everything to!
Fame, if you win it,
Comes an'
goes in a minute,
Where's the 'real-stuff' in life to cling to?
is the answer,
Someone to love, is the answer,
Once you've found
Build your world around her!
Make, someone happy,
just one, someone happy,
And you will be happy too!
Fame, if
you win it,
Comes an' goes in a minute . . .
Where's the 'real-stuff' in life to
cling to?
Love, is the answer,
Someone to love, is the answer,
you've found her,
Build your world around her!
Make, someone happy,
just one, someone happy,
And you will be happy too!
You'll be happy too . . .
be happy too . . .
Hmmm . . .
Do, do do
do do, do!
Do, do do do do, do!
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George Townsend HQV Selekt Group 3 Seaview Avenue Wolfville, Nova Scotia B4P 2G3 Canada Telephone: (902) 698-9848Friday, April 07, 2023
© 2023