Mr. President ~ original album circa 1962

Opening ~ The Ray Charles Singers
No . . . not the Roosevelt's, not the Truman's, 
not the Eisenhower's no, this is not that kind of show!
Not the Kennedy's, no not the Kennedy's,
just a family of four, so it couldn't be the Kennedy's 
with the Kennedy's there'd have to be more than four 
just a simple American, not one of the "greats" 
but he happens to be President of these United States!
      It Gets Lonely 
      In The White House ~ Perry Como
It gets lonely in the White House when your cares begin
and the White House is a big place to be lonely in
When you're all alone there starin' into space 
and you wish the man you ran against could be there in your place!
It gets lonely in the White House when you've been attacked
by the loyal opposition getting in the act
If you make the wrong decision, when the final chips are down 
the White House is the loneliest place in town!
It gets lonely in the White House when you're sitting there
and you have to do your thinkin' in a rockin' chair
When some exercise would keep you feelin' well  
but a journey to the golf course and the country's gone to hell!
When the budget isn't balanced and you're in the red
and you feel it would be better to be dead than red
When your speech is optimistic but the stocks keep tumblin' down 
the White House is the loneliest place in town!
Words and Music by Irving Berlin
The Best of Irving Berlin's Songs from 'Mr. President'
Mr. President ~ original album circa 1962
Original RCA RecordingVinyl VersionSelekt Link | Large View | Sessions |
Produced for records by Hugo & Luigi
Orchestrations by Philip J. Lang
Vocal Arrangements by Ray Charles
With Mitchell Ayres' Orchestra & the Ray Charles Singers
Also with Kaye Ballard and Sandy Stewart
Recorded in Webster Hall, New York City
Recording Engineer: Bob Simpson
Recorded September 30th, 1962

Composer Index
A Perry Como Discography 
& Digital Companion

RCA Victor Memorial| Site Links | All AlbumsAll Songs | The Recording Sessions |

First Edition Summer 1992
Second Edition Christmas 1993
Web Page Edition Christmas 1997
25th Anniversary Revision November, 2017
Digital Upgrade August, 2018
Easter 2023 Revised Edition
Made in Canada!
George Townsend
HQV Selekt Group
3 Seaview Avenue
Wolfville, Nova Scotia B4P 2G3
Telephone: (902) 698-9848

George TownsendSing to Me Mr. C.

Friday, April 07, 2023

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