I Think of You - 1971
If  ( David Gates )
If a picture paints a thousand words,
then why can’t I paint you?
The words would never show,
the you I’ve come to know . . .
If a face could launch a thousand ships,
then where am I to go?
There’s no one home but you,
you’re all that’s left me to . . .
And when my love for life 
is running dry,
You come and pour 
yourself on me . . .
If a man could be two places at one time,
I’d be with you, 
tomorrow and today,
beside you all the way . . .
If the world should stop revolving,
Spinning slowly down to die,
I’d spend the end with you 
when the world was through . . .
Then one by one 
the stars would all go out . . .
Then you and I 
would simply fly away!
Words and Music
by David A. Gates
Original RCA RecordingVinyl Version| Album Notes | Album Reviews | 
Arranged and Conducted by Don Costa
Produced by Don Costa
Recorded  at RCA's Studio A, New York City
Recording Engineer: Tony Salvatore
Recorded April 27th, 1971

Composer Index
A Perry Como Discography 
& Digital Companion

RCA Victor Memorial| Site Links | All AlbumsAll Songs | The Recording Sessions |

First Edition Summer 1992
Second Edition Christmas 1993
Web Page Edition Christmas 1997
25th Anniversary Revision November, 2017
Digital Upgrade August, 2018
Easter 2023 Revised Edition
Made in Canada!
George Townsend
HQV Selekt Group
3 Seaview Avenue
Wolfville, Nova Scotia B4P 2G3
Telephone: (902) 698-9848

George TownsendSing to Me Mr. C.

Friday, April 07, 2023

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