A Garden In The Rain
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Notes: An English
import with many recordings over the years, among them: Earl Burnett's
Orchestra for Brunswick; George Olsen's Band with a Fran Frey vocal
and Willard Robison for Columbia; Jane Froman for Majestic; Rubinoff
for Brunswick; and Jerry Gray for Decca. In December 1944, Perry Como began a long association with the Liggett and Meyers Tobacco Company and its "Chesterfield Supper Club" series on NBC Radio ( Monday to Friday, 7:00-7:15 P.M. ). During the V-Disc years, accompanying orchestras included those of Ted Steele, Lloyd Shaffer, Carl Kress and Mitchell Ayres. Ted Steele's Orchestra accompanied Perry on the Chesterfield broadcasts from December 11, 1944, through to July 27, 1945. |
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George Townsend HQV Selekt Group 3 Seaview Avenue Wolfville, Nova Scotia B4P 2G3 Canada Telephone: (902) 698-9848Friday, April 07, 2023
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