Ad de DayPerry Como ~ Mr. Saturday Night!

Words and Music Herman Hupfeld
With Ted Weems & His Orchestra
Recorded March 10, 1939 for Decca New York
Recording Time 3:19
Single release: DECCA No. 2365
Single Flip Side: "Class Will Tell"
Album issue: No Name-LP12 "Ted Weems and Perry Como" LP-TWPC-1300 MONO 1977
The Decca Years ~ 1936 to 1941 | Digital Finder | 

Ad de Day

< instrumental opening > 
When those ships come quietly,
to anchor in that old Havana Bay . . .
forms of Cuban money divers
swim around the sides
as though at play!
It's there beginning of another business day . . .
In broken English this is what they sing and play,
Ad day, hey, ad de day . . .
Have you got a little coin to throw away?
Throw those those pennies, throw those nickels many times
We would love a silver dollar . . .
If you haven't got a silver dollar
How about dimes?
Ad day, hey, ad de day . . .
Oh we love our work no matter what the pay . . .

Always happy, always smilin', always gay!
You'll find your ears a ringin'
with a song we're always singin'
when you go away . . . when you go away!

< instrumental close > 
Words and Music Herman Hupfeld  

Composer Index
A Perry Como Discography 
& Digital Companion

RCA Victor Memorial| Site Links | All AlbumsAll Songs | The Recording Sessions |

First Edition Summer 1992
Second Edition Christmas 1993
Web Page Edition Christmas 1997
25th Anniversary Revision November, 2017
Digital Upgrade August, 2018
Easter 2023 Revised Edition
Made in Canada!
George Townsend
HQV Selekt Group
3 Seaview Avenue
Wolfville, Nova Scotia B4P 2G3
Telephone: (902) 698-9848

George TownsendSing to Me Mr. C.

Friday, April 07, 2023

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