I Believe - Perry Como

Prayer of ThanksgivingPerry Como ~ Mr. Saturday Night!

We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing,
He chastens and hastens His will to make known;
The wicked oppressing cease them from distressing,
Sing praises to his name, He forgets not His own.

Beside us to guide us our bond with us joining,
Ordaining, maintaining His Kingdom divine,
So, from the beginning, the fight we were winning,
The Lord is at our side, the Glory divine.

We all do extol thee our leader in battle,
And pray that thou still our defender will be,
Let thy congregation escape tribulation,
Thy name be ever praised, O Lord make us free.

Lord, make us free!

Music and lyrics attributed to Edward Kremser
Translated into English by Theodore Baker
Original RCA Recordingoriginal RCA Victor albumExtended Play Album| EP Cover | 
With Mixed Chorus
Conducted by Mitchell Ayres
with Organ Accompaniment by Charles Marie Courboin
Recorded at The Academy of Arts & Letters, New York City
Produced by Charles Grean
Recorded June 29, 1950

Composer Index
A Perry Como Discography 
& Digital Companion

RCA Victor Memorial| Site Links | All AlbumsAll Songs | The Recording Sessions |

First Edition Summer 1992
Second Edition Christmas 1993
Web Page Edition Christmas 1997
25th Anniversary Revision November, 2017
Digital Upgrade August, 2018
Easter 2023 Revised Edition
Made in Canada!
George Townsend
HQV Selekt Group
3 Seaview Avenue
Wolfville, Nova Scotia B4P 2G3
Telephone: (902) 698-9848

George TownsendSing to Me Mr. C.

Friday, April 07, 2023

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